Newsbar prime time
Newsbar prime time

newsbar prime time

How is it fair for us to pay an en­tire tax­a­tion? That’s not fair at all. “We have been closed for over three months with no in­come com­ing in­to our es­tab­lish­ments. Mem­bers of the Bar Own­ers & Op­er­a­tors As­so­ci­a­tion Trinidad & To­ba­go raised the is­sue as they gath­ered in front of White­hall, chant­i­ng “Bar Lives Mat­ter too” yes­ter­day. Everyone must team up to fight for justice, equity and fairness,” he stated.PE­TER own­ers are now con­cerned about their abil­i­ty to pay gam­ing tax­es fol­low­ing the re­duc­tion of op­er­at­ing hours at their es­tab­lish­ments by the gov­ern­ment. They are already closing in on us and we seem to be helpless.

newsbar prime time

Governor Ortom maintained that “At the end of the day, the most important thing to the PDP is what the party can do to bring the economy and security situation back to normalcy,” because “If nothing drastic is done about the present situation in the country, a time will come when even the Presidential Villa and other government houses will be taken over by the terrorists. I want to appeal that NEC will soon invite us to a meeting and then we can move on from there,” the governor stated. I believe that at the end, the right thing will be done,” stressing however that, “Preempting the committee’s work and NEC decision is not correct.

newsbar prime time

He said the party leadership is “Consciously working towards ensuring that the party gets it right thing this time. Don’t kill us before you get the answer because PDP has not brought up a report, insisting, ” that will be done by NEC.” The governor then implored the media not to, “Crucify us. That when the time comes for the presidential, a mandate will be given to the people and NEC will take a decision. Governor Ortom recalled that, when the party positions were being zoned before the national convention, “NEC directed us that in zoning these positions, go and do it right without minding where the president will come from yet. And like I said, NEC is the final authority on deciding where this position will be zoned to.” So it is wrong for the media to come out with a position even though they were not members of the committee. I am still repeating that, whatever we did, we have submitted our report to NEC. So it is very wrong for anyone to insinuate that we have thrown the presidential ticket open. He continued: “As the chairman of the committee, we did not say that. Others thought that it should be thrown open for the best candidate who will be able to deliver good governance and make Nigerians feel like human beings again.” While some said it should go to the Northern part of the country. He explained, “As far as the committee was concerned, there were arguments that the presidential candidate should go to the South. It is NEC that has the final authority on the zoning of positions.” He maintained that “The committee will present the report to NEC. Where did I say that the committee has thrown open the presidential ticket? I did inform the media yesterday (Tuesday, April 5, 2022) that the committee has adopted a unanimous position to be presented to the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the party. The governor who frowned at the caption on the news bar while the interview lasted quipped: “I want to clear the insinuation that the zoning committee has thrown open the presidential ticket. The governor who bared his mind Wednesday, April 6th, 2022 while appearing on the ‘Morning Show’ an AriseTV prime time program queried why those who were not part of the meeting of the committee would want to “force words into the committee’s mouth.” He insisted that the committee was being quoted on what it did not say. Benue State Governor and Chairman, Zoning Committee of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Samuel Ortom have dismissed insinuations in the media that the committee has thrown the presidential ticket of the party open.

Newsbar prime time